Science & blog

Der Wasserfilter-Markt boomt - doch welche Produkte sind wirklich zuverlässig?
Heutzutage gibt es eine Vielzahl an verschiedenen Anbietern von Filtersystemen für den Privatgebrauch zum Vorschalten an einer Entnahmestelle im Haus (POU – „Point of use“). Fast alle Anbieter pre...
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That is why the HYPRO WATER is better than any reverse osmosis
Basic knowledge about reverse osmosis: Water consists of the atoms hydrogen and oxygen in a ratio of two to one (H2O). The connection of atoms to form larger structures is called a molecule. Compa...
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The water of the future - safe and sustainable
Tap water is the best drinking water if it is really clean. This is what Hytecon's Hypro Water is supposed to do: High-tech made in Germany in the kitchen for first-class water quality. Easy to co...
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